Robert L. Campbell
Robert L. Campbell
Robert L. Campbell

Robert L. Campbell
Physicist & Corporate Executive

Robert Campbell, a physicist and corporate executive, has over 50 years of experience in high technology R&D, manufacture, international commercialization and entrepreneurship. In the past two decades he has focused on the sectors of seawater desalination, hydrogen production, renewable energy mini grids, and defense technology conversion. He is a pioneer in environmentally benign, renewably powered seawater desalination.

Campbell is founder of Campbell Applied Physics (CAP), that was awarded two Global Initiatives for Prevention of Proliferation of nuclear weapons by the US Department of Energy. Campbell has enabled establishment of regional joint ventures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, expansion of the Moroccan based joint venture to include all of North and East Africa, expanded the Mexico joint venture to all of Latin America, and initiated establishment of new joint ventures for the Mediterranean Islands, Caribbean Sea Islands, India and Egypt.

Earlier, Campbell was CEO of Advanced Distillation Technology, where he tested several prototype Vapor Compression Distillation seawater desalination systems in California. Previously he operated Advanced CounterMeasure Systems (ACMS), who supplied advanced technology systems to all U.S. military services and several federal agencies. ACMS was honored to be one of the few industrial members of the Counterterrorism Center at the CIA.

Campbell has authored numerous scientific papers on: Economic extraction of non-radioactive isotopes from seawater, electronic intelligence collection, cyber warfare, effluent disposal of from Coastal Desalination, water scarcity, vacuum vapor compression seawater distillation, and natural gas fuel cells. Campbell’s firm has developed inventions leading to patents for:

Synthetic Infiltration Collection System; method for pretreating water for desalination; high Efficiency Steam Ejector for Desalination Application; heat exchange eElement with hydrophilic evaporator.

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