Joseph Curl
Nuclear Energy Expert
Joseph Curl has over forty years cumulative experience in both nuclear power and the wholesale energy market. In the early portion of his career he spent twenty years in the US Navy Nuclear program becoming a Supervising Operator and Maintenance Planner. In this period he developed mastery of Westinghouse and General Electric Navy Nuclear Power Plants at shore facilities as well as seagoing platforms. Curl later moved into the private sector of the wholesale energy market as the California Independent ‘Service Operator (ISO). Here he worked as a Day Ahead Market Operator for the California ISO and a Real Time Market Operator for the Western Imbalance Energy Market. This portion of his career led to his expertise in the application of energy generation: nuclear, natural gas fuels, coal fuel and renewable sources as related to the supply, demand and transmission of energy for the Western United States.
He is expert in real time grid operations, making instantaneous decisions on which power sources to feed into the electric grid, with changing weather and other power supply fluctuations.